Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What else can slide?

It's all mine! Mwa ha ha!

Sliding on his belly.

What's this?!?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Homecoming and Diwali

RoRo went to the university Homecoming parade Saturday morning, a Diwali party Saturday afternoon, and a Homecoming banquet at the AKL fraternity house that evening! The highlights of his very long day were seeing horses and Shriner's cars at the parade, playing with two little girls at the party, and hanging out with a brightly-colored Godzilla toy at the fraternity.

RoRo is catching up with an old friend.

Hanging out at the AKL house while Daddy works the crowd.

He was a big hit with the ladies...

Happy Diwali!

No pictures, Mom!

Do you see Thomas? RoRo did!!

And another train!

All smiles

Everyone loves a parade!

I'm with the band!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Seabiscuit Hat!

Today was a cool forty-degrees, and I thought I had better start getting out our cold weather gear. I pulled out a box full of gloves and toboggan hats, and RoRo immediately pulled out a grey newsboy hat that his grandpa had sent him last year.
"A Seabiscuit hat!" he yelled, trying to put it on. He recognized this as the sort of hat worn by the jockeys in one of his favorite movies.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What a Day for a Playgroup!

Today was the first day of RoRo's Parents-as-Teachers playgroup. He remembered the little play house they have there, but didn't realize how much he'd grown over the summer-- he tried to walk in and bumped his head on the doorway! He really enjoyed playing "Suppertime" with the toy food and he and another little girl pulled out some drums and gave us all a little concert.

Come Back, Squirrel!

Here's RoRo chasing squirrels at the Truman campus. They let him get pretty close, but he didn't know why they wouldn't let him pet them!

Eating Bana-ma!