Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sunny Day September

There aren't many warm, sunny days left in September. We really enjoyed this one!

Friday, September 22, 2006

RoRo the Big Red Boy

RoRo has a fascination with Clifford, and one day saw a piece of red fleece that I had in a scrap box. He asked me to make a Clifford for him-- and was very surprised when I turned him into a Big Red Dog!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Froggie Friend

RoRo asked me to take a picture of the frog (toad) that lives under our porch. Here s/he is.

Bubble Trouble

One of the best memories I will have of this summer is of RoRo playing with his bubble-gun in the backyard. Today, every time he shot off a round of bubbles, he yelled "Up, up, and away bubbles!"

Ahoy Matey!

RoRo has discovered pirates! And is it any wonder? Since the new Pirates of the Carribean movie came out, no landlubber can avoid images of the Jolly Roger, gold dubloons, and miscellaneous swashbucklers. We often hear RoRo say, "Arg, I'm a pirate!" and asking "Savvy?"

Little Cut-Up

Rohan has discovered scissors! Don't worry-- they're safety scissors and he only gets to use them when a grown-up is around. But he really loves to sit and cut (or tear) scrap paper into tiny pieces of confetti.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fun Facts

Here are some fun facts about the birthday boy!
  • He is 36" tall. This measurement translates to "tall enough to turn the lights on and off all over the house!"
  • His favorite phrase (this week) is "Look at that!"
  • He can identify all of these dinosaurs: Allosaurus, baryonyx, brachiosaurus, brontosaurus, corythosaurus, dilophosaurus, diplodocus, deinonycus, edmontonia, euoplocephalus, gallimimus, herrerasaurus, iguanadon, maiasaura, nodosaurus, ouranosaurus, pachycephalosaurus, parasaurolophus, pterodactyl, spinosaurus, styracosaurus, triceratops, troodon, and probably lots more that I can't even remember!
  • His favorite flavor is strawberry.
  • His favorite color is usually orange, although green and purple get a lot of play, too

More Zoo!

Here are some more pictures from the Virginia Zoo! These were taken by Ajoba.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, RoRo!

Saturday was RoRo's birthday-- he's two years old now! We took him to Pershing State Park on a short camping trip to celebrate. He got out of the car, looked around, and said "Probably I'll like this. Probably I'll see two deer!"
Unfortunately we didn't see any deer, but he really did like the trip! We took a walk through a real Missouri prairie, played on some footbridges, and played with our doggies.