Saturday, September 09, 2006

Fun Facts

Here are some fun facts about the birthday boy!
  • He is 36" tall. This measurement translates to "tall enough to turn the lights on and off all over the house!"
  • His favorite phrase (this week) is "Look at that!"
  • He can identify all of these dinosaurs: Allosaurus, baryonyx, brachiosaurus, brontosaurus, corythosaurus, dilophosaurus, diplodocus, deinonycus, edmontonia, euoplocephalus, gallimimus, herrerasaurus, iguanadon, maiasaura, nodosaurus, ouranosaurus, pachycephalosaurus, parasaurolophus, pterodactyl, spinosaurus, styracosaurus, triceratops, troodon, and probably lots more that I can't even remember!
  • His favorite flavor is strawberry.
  • His favorite color is usually orange, although green and purple get a lot of play, too

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