Saturday, October 27, 2007

Those Questions!

Ro quite frankly has more questions than I have answers, and that's a hard thing to admit. In fact, there are some questions he has asked recently that I don't even care to try to figure out a reply for. Here is a sampling...
(Warning: mostly funny but also fairly gross three-year-old questions ahead!)

  • How do we get older?

  • Why are "O"s shaped like "O"s?

  • When will I be all grown up--when I have lots of tools like Daddy?

  • Why do hadrosaurs have 'dung-balls*'?

  • Can I make the kitty bite me? Pleeeease?

  • Do panda bears sometimes bite people? (Mommy admits that she does not know the masticulatory preferences of ailuropoda melanoleuca in regard to homo sapiens.) Can we pet panda bears? (Mommy answers that panda bears mostly live in zoos and in China.) Can we go to China and pet a panda bear?

  • How do kitties poop out of their pooper? (Mommy says she does not know.) Do they poop like panda bears? (Mommy answers that they probably do poop much like pandas do.) How do panda bears poop, then?

  • Why did the kitty bite me for?

  • Is poop gross? (Mommy suggests that yes, poop is a little gross and explains about bacteria for the twentieth time that day.) Well, Nigel Marven** says it's not.

  • Am I famous?

  • What are my hands all sticky from?

  • Why are you annoying me, Mommy?

  • Did I poop out my french fries yet? (Mommy answers that yes, he probably has.) Then where's the ketchup?

*Mommy finally figured out that Ro was referring to the duck-bill of duck-billed dinosaurs.

**Nigel Marven is a wildlife documentarian/adventurer and star of Ro's all-time favorite DVDs, "Chased by Dinosaurs" and "Prehistoric Park." He evidently knows more than we do.

And here's one that doesn't quite qualify as a question but deserves an honorable mention:

  • Aw, why does it always take two years to poop?!?

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